How can crops survive extreme weather?
De toekomst van ons etenAll over the world, the effects of climate change are affecting food production. Long dry periods, desertification, heavy rainfall, and flooding pose a serious threat to agriculture. Biologist Prof. Rashmi Sasidharan (UU) studies how plants deal with extreme weather conditions. What specific characteristics help plants to survive? And how can they serve as an inspiration for the kind of crops we grow?
In collaboration with the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development & Future Food Utrecht (UU).
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De toekomst van ons eten
Klimaatverandering, de coronapandemie en de oorlog in Oekraïne laten zien hoe kwetsbaar ons voedselsysteem is. Als we niet ingrijpen, dreigt een wereldwijde voedselcrisis. Hoe stoppen we die?