Optimists, pessimists and statistics

Optimisme / pessimisme

Duur 1:10:17 — Di 8 december 2020

Optimists, pessimists and statistics

Optimists and pessimists often support their worldview with the same data. Political economist Prof Daniel Mügge explains what numbers can and cannot tell us.

According to optimists we live in the best of times. The global poverty rate is declining, there is less hunger in the world, and carbon emissions haven’t risen this year. How is it possible that pessimists tell a different story, based on the same data? Political economist Prof Daniel Mügge (UvA) explains what numbers can and cannot tell us.


Over deze serie

Optimisme / pessimisme

Hebben de pessimisten momenteel het gelijk aan hun zijde? Waarom is de een optimistischer dan de ander? In vier lezingen nemen we onszelf en ons toekomstbeeld onder de loep.