Dr. Jonathan Loh
BioloogUit het rapport blijkt dat beide diversiteiten worden bedreigd, maar dat de uitsterfprocessen verschillen, afhankelijk van de geografische ligging. Jonathan Loh studeerde Biologie aan de Sussex Universteit en Environmental Techonology aan het Imperial College in Londen. Vanaf 1994 werkt Loh bij het WWF en ook het huidige rapport is in opdracht van WWF Nederland. Daarnaast is Loh ere-onderzoeker aan de Zoological Society van Londen.
Jonathan Loh is a British biologist who published the report Biocultural Diversity: Threatened species, endangered languagesin June 2014. In this report, he describes the current trends in biological and linguistic diversity. The report shows that both types of diversity are threatened, although their extinction processes differ, depending on the geographical location. Loh studied Biology at Sussex University and Environmental Technology at Imperial College, University of London. Since 1994 he has been working for WWF which commissioned his recent research and report. Additionally, Loh is an Honorary Research Associate of the Zoological Society of London.