Decolonising science with Indigenous Knowledge

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Duur 1:30:05 — Wo 15 maart 2023

Decolonising science with Indigenous Knowledge

What can Indigenous communities teach us about sustainability? With environmental philosopher Dr Carolina Sanchez (UU) and activist Chautuileo Tranamil.

Western science has a long history of discrediting traditional knowledge of Indigenous communities as non-scientific. Science has even been used to justify the violence committed against them, and the exploitation of their land and resources that continues until today. Now, Indigenous peoples are slowly being recognized as indispensable allies in fighting biodiversity loss and climate change. Still, science has a long way to go in taking Indigenous Knowledge seriously. What can we do to restore the power balance between Western scientists and Indigenous communities? How can we make science more inclusive? And what can we learn from Indigenous communities about sustainability? With ecological philosopher Dr Carolina Sanchez and Chautuileo Tranamil. 

In samenwerking met de faculteiten Sociale Wetenschappen, Bètawetenschappen en Geesteswetenschappen (UU).


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