Drs. Teresa Fogelberg
Bestuursvoorzitter GRIDaarnaast zit Fogelberg in de raad van bestuur van verschillende organisaties, zoals WNF, Cordaid en IIED, the International Institute of Environment and Development.
Fogelberg studeerde antropologie aan de Universiteit Leiden. Ze werkte jarenlang in West-Afrika, waar ze onder meer early warning systems voor hongersnoden onderzocht. Ze heeft dertien jaar ervaring binnen verschillende managementposities waaronder op het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Fogelberg was daar hoofd van de afdeling Vrouwen & Ontwikkeling. In 2000 stapte ze over naar het ministerie van VROM, waar ze de afdeling Klimaatverandering ging leiden. Tijdens de klimaatonderhandelingen in Kyoto was Fogelberg het hoofd van de Nederlandse delegatie.
Drs. Teresa Fogelbergworks as deputy chief executive VN business engagement and stakeholder relations at the Global Reporting Initiative. GRI is a worldwide organisation which works on a set of principals and indicators with which multinationals can report on economic, social and environment areas.Additionally, she serves on the board of various organisations such as WWF Netherlands, Cordaid and IIED (the International Institute of Environment and Development).
Fogelbergstudied antropology at Leiden University.For years she worked in West-Africa to do research about early warning systems for famine. Fogelberg has thirteen years of experience in different management-positions including a position at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands. She was head of the department Women and Development. In 2000 she became the leader of the department Climate Change at the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment. During the negotiations in Kyoto, Fogelberg was head of the Dutch delegation.