Dr. Susanne Knittel
LiteratuurwetenschapperIn haar onderzoek richt Knittel zich op het geheugen, herdenkingen, en culturele amnesia.
Knittel is hoofdredacteur van The Journal of Perpetrator Research en schreef het boek The Historical Uncanny: Disability, Ethnicity, and the Politics of Holocaust Memory,waarin ze onderzoekt hoe sommige herinneringen onderdeel worden van het cultureel erfgoed van een land of regio, terwijl andere ondrukt of vergeten worden.
Ze behaalde haar PhD in Italian and Comparative Literature at Colombia University, and received a VENI grant for the project Faces of Evil: The Figure of the Perpetrator in Contemporary Memory Culture.
Dr Susanne Knittel is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at Utrecht University.
In her research, she explores questions of memory, commemoration, and cultural amnesia.
Knittel is editor-in-chief of The Journal of Perpetrator Research, and wrote the book The Historical Uncanny: Disability, Ethnicity, and the Politics of Holocaust Memory,in which she explores how certain memories become inscribed into the heritage of a country or region while others are suppressed or forgotten.
She got her PhD in Italian and Comparative Literature at Colombia University, and received a VENI grant for the project Faces of Evil: The Figure of the Perpetrator in Contemporary Memory Culture.