Prof. Steven Pinker
PsycholoogPinker ontving ook meerdere onderwijsprijzen en prijzen voor zijn acht boeken, waaronder The Language Instinct (Het Taalinstinct), How the Mind Works (Hoe de menselijke geest werkt), en The Blank Slate (Het onbeschreven blad). Hij werd uitgeroepen tot Humanist van het jaar, verscheen in verschillende lijsten, waaronder Foreign Policy magazine “De werelds 100 grootste publieke denkers” en Time“De 100 meest invloedrijke mensen in de wereld van nu”. Hij is op dit moment Chair of the Usage Panel of the American Heritage Dictionary,en schrijft regelmatig voor de New York Times, Time, The New Republic en andere publicaties. Zijn meest recente boek is The Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence has Declined (Ons betere ik, waarom de mens steeds minder geweld gebruikt).
Steven Pinker (1954) is Harvard College Professor and Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. He conducts research on language and cognition, which has won prizes from the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Institution of Great Britain, the American Psychological Association, and the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. He has also received several teaching awards and many prizes for his eight books, including The Language Instinct, How the Mind Works, and The Blank Slate. He has been named Humanist of the Year, and has been listed among Foreign Policy magazine's “The World's Top 100 Public Intellectuals” and Time's “The 100 Most Influential People in the World Today.” He is currently Chair of the Usage Panel of the American Heritage Dictionary, and writes frequently for The New York Times, Time, The New Republic, and other publications. His most recent book is The Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence has Declined.