Prof. dr. Julia Kursell
MuziekwetenschapperDaarvoor werkte ze aan de Bauhaus Universiteit in Weimar (Duitsland), en als research fellow aan het Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlijn. Tot haar onderzoeksinteresses behoren de geschiedenis van de fysiologie en psychologie van het gehoor, alsook de relatie tussen muziek, media en technologie in westerse composities na 1945. Over deze thema's publiceerde Kursell vele artikelen in vaktijdschriften zoals Configurations, greyroom, OASE. Onlangs is het nummer Music, Sound, and the Laboratory met mederedacteuren A. Hui en M.W. Jackson uitgebracht door Chicago University Press.
Prof. dr. Julia Kursell is professor of musicology at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Before coming to Amsterdam, she worked at Bauhaus University, Weimar, and as research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin. Her research interests include the history of the physiology and psychology of hearing, as well as the relation between music, media and technology in Western composition after 1945. She published widely in these areas in journals such as Configurations, Greyroom, OASE. Most recently, the volume Music, Sound, and the Laboratory, co-edited with A. Hui and M. W. Jackson, has come out with Chicago University Press.