Prof. dr. Jolle Demmers
PoliticoloogDemmers doet onderzoek naar theorieën van gewelddadig conflict, militair neoliberalisme en langeafstandsoorlog. Ze werkt daarnaast mee aan het onderzoeksproject Intimacies of Remote Warfare. Dit programma heeft als doel om door middel van onderzoek het academische, publieke, en politieke debat te informeren over oorlogsvoering op afstand.
Daarnaast is ze medeoprichter van het Centre for Conflict Studies en was ze van 2004 tot 2019 coördinator van de master Conflict Studies & Human Rights. Ze ontving bovendien verschillende EU Marie Curie subsidies en was onder meer Associate Visiting Professor aan University of California, Berkeley.
Demmers lectures and writes on theories of contemporary violent conflict, boundaries and violence, military neoliberalism and remote warfare. She is also working on the research programme Intimacies of Remote Warfare, which aims to inform academic, public and policy debates on remote warfare.
Furthermore, Demmers is co-founder of the Centre for Conflict Studies and played a key role in establishing the field of Conflict Studies at Utrecht University. She coordinated the master Conflict Studies and Human Rights between 2004 and 2019. Demmers received multiple EU Marie Curie grants and was Associate Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley.