Prof. dr. Başak Çali
RechtsgeleerdeÇali is gespecialiseerd in internationaal recht, mensenrechten, en de vooruitzichten van wereldwijd publiekrecht op meerdere rechtsniveaus. Ze maakt zich o.a. hard voor de mensenrechten van vrouwen in Turkije.
Ze is onder meer hoofdredacteur bij de Oxford University Press United Nations Human Rights Case-Law Reports en secretaris-generaal van de European Society of International Law. Tevens schrijft ze blogs op het platform Verfassungsblog en publiceerde ze diverse boeken.
Ze behaalde haar PhD in Internationaal Recht aan de Universiteit van Essex.
Başak Çalı is Professor of International Law at the Hertie School of Governance and director of the Center for Global Public Law at Koç University in Istanbul.
Çali is interested in international law, human rights law, and the prospects of global public law in a multi-level legal order. She is an advocate for women's right to identity in Turkey.
Among others, Çali is editor-in-chief of Oxford University Press United Nations Human Rights Case-Law Reports and Secretary General of the European Society of International Law. She also writes blogs on the platform Verfassungsblog and is the author of the books International Law for International Relations and The Legalisation of Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human Rights and Human Rights Law.
She got her PhD in international law at the Universiy of Essex.