Prof. dr. Daniel Cohnitz
FilosoofCohnitz is onder andere geïnteresseerd in metafysica, taal, philosophy of mind, epistemologie en logica.
Hij is tevens voorzitter van de European Society for Analytic Philosophy en auteur van het boek Critical Citizens or Paranoid Nutcases?
Cohnitz studeerde Filosofie, Duitse Taal-en Literatuur en Geschiedenis aan de Heinrich Heine Universiteit in Düsseldorf. In 2005 promoveerde hij met zijn proefschrift Thought Experiments in Philosophy (Gedankenexperimente in der Philosophie).
Philosopher Daniel Cohnitz is professor Theoretical Philosophy at Utrecht University.
Cohnitz is among others interested in metaphysics, language, philosophy of mind, epistemology and logic.
He is president of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy and author of the book Critical Citizens or Paranoid Nutcases?
Cohnitz studied philosophy, German literature and language, and history at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, where he got his PhD with his dissertation Thought Experiments in Philosophy (Gedankenexperimente in der Philosophie).