Evolution and the idea of race
Met volle kracht vooruitIn the past, biologists and anthropologists thought that humans could be subdivided into races. Some of these races, they believed, were more civilized and 'progressed' than others, and their views were eagerly used to legitimize colonial oppression. Nowadays, scientists agree that race is a biological myth. Philosopher of science Dr Abigail Nieves Delgado (UU) explains how the colonial way of thinking still echoes in modern biology and anthropology. How are Indigenous peoples idealized and exoticized in modern science?
In collaboration with the faculties of Science, Social and Behavioural Sciences, and Humanities (UU).
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Met volle kracht vooruit
Volgens de optimisten van deze wereld hebben we het beter dan ooit. Is dat zo? Wetenschappers vertellen over de impact en keerzijde van vooruitgangsdenken.